Fast, Friendly Financing for Philadelphia’s Future

We are a source of short term financing that guides you along the way, and moves quickly, to help you succeed in a competitive real estate market. Jumpstart Philly offers acquisition and construction financing for residential and mixed-use investment projects throughout the City of Philadelphia. We are more than a bank, we’re a non-traditional, community-driven lender ready to see you succeed.

We are excited to work with you to reduce blight, build wealth locally, encourage a healthy mix of affordable and market-rate housing, and help investors become more attractive to traditional lenders.

What We Do

Jumpstart Philly, along with other Jumpstart programs, provides various opportunities for new and experienced real estate developers to increase their knowledge base. You can sign up for a Jumpstart Training Program, a JUMPinar, listen to podcasts, and review other great resources.

Education & Resources

Not yet a graduate of a Jumpstart Training Program? Find a Jumpstart Training Program near you!

Find a Training Program

Our Impact

  • Closed 430+ Loans for Renovating Investment Properties

  • Committed $53 Million in Loans

  • Average $123K per Loan 

  • Financed the Renovation of 495+ Housing Units

“With Jumpstart, everyone wins - aspiring developers, longtime residents, and other community partners all benefit from additional investment in their neighborhood.”

— Ken Weinstein, Founder of Jumpstart Germantown, Jumpstart Philly, and President of Philly Office Retail